Monday, July 07, 2008

My Backup Alarm Clock

Theo is usually very good about not letting me sleep in. He often wakes me up before my alarm clock. And as soon as the official alarm clock goes off he is all over me because apparently he doesn't believe in the snooze button.

Yesterday morning he let me sleep in. I looked up and it was past ten o'clock. He must have known I've been extra tired (and cranky) so he decided a little sleep wouldn't hurt me.


  1. Yay for Theo. It's really nice to have a sleep-in once in a while, when you are really tired.

  2. Theo was very considerate.

  3. What a nice kitty Theo is. And Mommy wanted me to tell you that she hopes your toe is feeling better!

  4. Theo is a great cat to wake you up in time.. and let you sleep longer when you deserve it :-)

  5. I hopes the bean didn't have to get to work on time.
