Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Hot Enough for You?

It's been extremely hot and muggy the past few days so the air conditioner has been on constantly. Still the boyz are showing a noticeable lack of energy. Poor Thompson looks like he just ran a marathon and there's a noticeable lack of pep to his hop. Diego has taken to sleeping on the tile in the bathroom and even tolerated sharing the room with Theo last night.


  1. Poor, hot kitties. You might be able to get some good photos for the new Monty Q contest, though. We got lots of nice rain today. Yay! We really need it.

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Summertime is the purrfect nap time!

  3. Tile feels good on the belly!

  4. Diego is also sleeping at the cool tiles in the bathroom? How funny! Chica & Pumuckl are doing the same ;-)

  5. It is very warm here too! I have been sleeping in the sink. It feels nice and cool! We don't have tile or I would sleep there too.

  6. It is extremely hot here too! In the 90s and so warm. We feel lethargic also.
