Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Poor Kenta

I scared Kenta over the weekend. A couple of my work team stopped by the house to drop off a care package. We don’t get many visitors to our house. The only one during Kenta’s time was the Rover.com person who came over to put out meals and clean litter boxes when I was out of town.

So having other people in the house is new for Kenta. One of my team loves all the pictures she’s seen of him so she asked if she could meet him. He was sleeping upstairs so I picked him up and carried him down the stairs. When he saw the other two people in the living room, he freaked and wiggled his way free and fled downstairs. It occurred to me that it was similar to how I picked him up at his foster home. Kenta saw me as the foster mom went to gather him up. He got scared and ran down the hall and into the bathroom and when I got him into his new home he spent an entire week hiding under a bed. 

I wonder if he thought I was giving him up to another home. Once he was convinced I was the only person remaining in the house, he cautiously came out of hiding. I went downstairs to watch the Twins’ game and he joined me, rubbing his face against mine and staying with me for a long time. I think it was his way of thanking me for keeping him around.



  1. every time i try to take gidget to the vet and get her into the carrier, she freaks out thinking that she is getting returned to the rescue place, because she was returned once before i adopted her

  2. dood…prob ablee ewe due knot like other peepulz….strangurrz….doez knot matter who comez ta vizit de gurl….eye hide under de bed for safe tee πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸŸπŸ’™
