Monday, August 23, 2021

Wits End

Norma and I had a serious confrontation over the weekend. I have the great cats that led the way, Mr. Max’s, Thompson’s, and Diego-san’s ashes and clay paw prints stored on a shelf in my bedroom. Norma, my first cat who needs to do what I’ve heard is a common feline thing and  knock things onto the floor, knocked all my tributes to my late feline loves onto the floor. I WAS PISSED…Angrily upset… I yelled at her knowing she coudn’t possibly understand her sin, hours after the fact. I slept through the desecration.

Thankfully none of the ashes or clay paw prints  memorials broke . But I’ll admit I’m at my wit’s end about Norma’s behavior. How do any of you deal with a cat that is obsessed with knocking things off their normal location onto the floor? I may need to move such sentimental things to a more secure location but that sucks. Ideas?


  1. You will just have to put them out of her reach. It's pretty much impossible to train out that type of behavior.

  2. I have to agree with Summer. Norma may outgrow this predilection but it is also a "cat thing."
    And as a former worker at an Antique Mall, I can tell you don't bother with "museum putty". It won't stand up to kitties. So happy nothing broke.

  3. sadly; unless you have a way to "velcro" the pieces; they will have to be
    put away, as inside a small glass curio that has a door that can be shut... or a closet.

    when mackerull arrived on the scene I had to put everything on a closet shelf, shut the door and just have a glance at it whenever I open the door. it mattered not how high he had to climb to get to said objects....he found a way to get TO them ~~~~~~~~~~~

  4. You can get some stuff that you can put on the bottom of things that sticks to where you place them. I know people that have used it (because of cats knocking things off) with good success. Otherwise, you’ll have to put them some place where she can’t reach them. She’s still young too…and may grow out of that behavior.
