Thursday, June 10, 2021

Needles and Neck Cracks

A chiropractic and acupuncture center for animals recently opened within walking distance of our house. In doing some research, some of Theo’s increasing ailments are what the alternative treatments are meant to address. Having great personal success with acupuncture and having gone to a chiropractor for many years, I decided I’ll see if it can help Theo too.

His appointment is next week. Theo’s actually had a pretty good week showing more energy and interest in things than he has for a long time. He even spent some time yesterday morning looking out the window, something he hasn’t done at all since Diego-San died. His appetite has been more Theo like as well. He even did the go crazy after using the liter box thing he used to do all the time. Hopefully the center will find effective treatment to help him feel better more often…


  1. I hope this helps Theo - keep us posted!

  2. Chiropractic aid for cats...pawsome.
    I purr it helps him too :)
    Purrs, Julie

  3. dood....we noe it takez time ta getz over de sads...just rememburr diego
    wood knot want cha ta keep feelin...bloo

    glad yur gettin sum spunk bak and 984 pawz crossed all goez well next week !!

    we bee outta heer til monday sew happee week end two all :) ☺☺♥♥♥

  4. It can take a cat a long time to get over a loss, just like people, and we hope Theo gets back to his normal soon. We think that non invasive way will help

  5. We agree with Timmy.. Theo is still mourning his old friends and warming up to Alias and Norma. We are glad to hear he is doing better, and think seeing these doctors might make him feel better with the aches and pains we all feel as we age Purrs !

  6. I think acupuncture can really help. Ernie had a few sessions years ago when he had some back issues. Unfortunately, the vet that did it moved away and there isn’t anyone that does it less than an hour away. I’m glad Theo had a good may just be taking him this long to adjust to all the changes that has happened in his life lately. But I hope the acupuncture helps him too. Keep us posted.
