Thursday, February 18, 2021

Norma’s Flock

A couple of seasons ago our professional basketball team, the Timberwolves gave away Target’s mascot Bullseye dressed in the different team uniforms. Since I’m a season ticket holder I got quite the collection. When Thompson died I placed the many Bullseyes in his favorite cat tree top that he spent many a day napping. Theo and Diego-San rarely spent much time in that spot but I decided to keep it Thompson’s sacred spot.

When Alias and Norma moved into the house I did something similar with Diego-san’s favorite water dish. I put it aside but soon changed my mind and named it the Diego-San memorial water dish. Norma occasionally drinks from it. I decided the best way to honor Thompson too was to move the many Bullseyes from his resting spot and let the current cat contingent use it too. Norma has taken some naps already in it.

I moved the Bullseyes to the ledge of the steps . Norma’s new favorite thing to do is to swat them off of the ledge. At first I found it extremely annoying replacing them to their spot. Now I’m finding it somewhat amusing. Because I think she learned quickly it annoyed me but just can’t stop herself.


  1. I think whapping them off the ledge sounds like fun!

  2. When you have something lined up on a ledge, it's just asking to be whapped!
    That's what we cats do best and we enjoy doing it too ;) MOL!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  3. It is good to have our reminders out of our Angels and she is such a nice kitty. You two will enjoy that game for a bit

  4. norma; noe diz respect for yur brotherz...but we wood be battin em that ledge two !!

    they look like de spudz mackenzie de gurl haz on de desk top shelf !! :) ☺☺♥♥

  5. Norma has turned it into a fun game!
