Thursday, November 12, 2020

My Lil Buddy

Yesterday’s visual visit went a teeny bit better. Theo slowly slinked toward the carrier and got close enough to sniff. And then Norma reached out her paw and Theo ran away. So far there’s been no hissing, but Theo has never been much of a hisser (I think I may have heard him hiss less than a handful of times). Hopefully we continue to make small steps forward.


  1. It's a big adjustment for Theo! I'm sure he just needs time.

  2. Slow and steady is the best way.
    That and lots of extra snuggles with Theo.
    Purrs, Julie

  3. dood....small stepz for werd iz like way better than ten mega stepz that
    then throwz ya bak 50 ...ya noe !! best fizhez buddy ☺☺♥♥

  4. Baby steps are best...we know Theo will learn to love the new ones.

  5. Theo will get used to the change in time. Slow and steady
