Friday, November 27, 2020


Another tiny step forward. I was on a Thankgiving Zoom call with my sister’s family, nephews, nieces, great nephews, great nieces. For much of the call Theo and Alias were on opposite sides of a door that was slightly ajar. Theo hissed and growled but didn’t run away. When I wasn’t looking, Alias had managed to open the door enough to go upstairs. When I found out I went upstairs and Theo was drinking  from his favorite fountain, and Alias was exploring the room he had never had access to before. When he got too close to Theo, Theo hissed but at least he wasn’t running away.

I read an article that said the average time it takes to introduce cats to each other is 21 days. Sunday will mark the 21st day since Alias and Norma moved in. Theo seemed more himself today overall...



  1. Yup, good progress :)
    Theo should do well as long as he keeps getting your love and attention.

    Purrs, Julie

  2. All the more to be thankful for ! Purrs !

  3. It can take much longer than 21 days for cats to become comfortable with each other. One thing you can do is make sure every interaction between Theo and the newbies is positive. Try playing with them together. Food is always a positive thing...try feeding them together, first in the same room opposite sides, and then slowly over time, move their food dishes closer together. Give them treats together. When Theo does something good, like not hissing or growling around them, give him treats. They need to learn that being together is a good thing, not something to be feared.

  4. I have had cats come and be pals in a day and others have been much longer and some, well, Miss Fitz still whaps anyone who comes close. We think Theo is moving along well

  5. dood...eye still hizz mackerull....knot sew much as eye used two...but eye still due..eye call it me snake imprezzion ;) ☺☺♥♥
