Tuesday, November 17, 2020


I’ve been spending as much extra time with Theo as I can over the past week. It’s been a little difficult however because his new favorite napping spot is underneath my bed in between a couple of boxes. He usually comes out when I make eye contact... My poor lil guy.


  1. Aw Theo. Is your world a little crazy right now?
    Just remember, Dma loves you !
    Purrs, Julie

  2. dood....sew iz dad sayin him will knot get under de bed
    and bee tween de boxez ? !! ;)

    keep that az yur safe tee zone dood N let de wee catz noe
    itz off limitz ~~~~~~~~

    N for what itz werth, dad lovez ewe still, yet, N all wayz ♥♥

  3. Aw Theo - your Dad loves you. Losing Diego-San and getting two new babies is a big adjustment. Just hang in there ! Purrs !

  4. Poor guy.Some day they won't be so annoying.

  5. Poor Theo. We hope things get better with the newbies.
