Friday, April 10, 2020


It was a bizarre day yesterday. There were alternating moments of sudden snow, and sunny clear skies. The is the most Apriley Minnesota spring yet.


  1. R commint two day iz knot post ree lated
    coz we oz typin frum a stolen cell ewe lurr
    .WHOA....we wanted ta sendz an
    eazturr card yur way but we due knot haz
    yur a dress for emailz, sew heerz hopin yur
    eazturr izza happee HEALTHEE one, we hope
    ta get bak ta bloggin ina couple o weekz
    hugz N lovez frum uz N d food servizz gurl❤️

  2. We had snow here this morning in NE Ohio too. The tulips and daffodils are used to it but the trilliums, bloodroot and wild geraniums seemed shocked. Purrs.

    We second the wishes from the Trout Towners.

  3. Gee! We had that weather today!
    High wind, rain,snow flurries,sun.
    Now, it's not doing anything,just cloudy.
    Looks like you two are enjoying life :)
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie
