Friday, March 20, 2020

Tuxedo Break

This is Theo’s ‘I know I’m supposed to leave you alone while you are working but I need to sit in your lap’ look. Pretty much works every time.


  1. dood....thatz oh kay, law sayz dad iz a loud 78 brakez a day bee tween
    7:13 am and 11:29 am, how manee afturr lunch brake tho, we R knot sure !!

    :) ☺☺♥♥

  2. Oh yeah!! Good one Theo!
    No human could resist that sweet face ;) <3
    Make sure your purrson does not work to hard or too long.
    Frequent kitty breaks are good for his health ;)
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  3. He’s really good at giving that look.

  4. I like walking on his desk and giving that look when Dad is busy
