Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Bag Boyz

This was a first. Diego-San usually lets Theo do the bag inspection work (it’s one of the things that Theo does that Diego-San feels is beneath dignified feline behavior). But he found this particular bag inspection worthy. I tried to get photographic evidence but he climbed out right as I was pointing the camera at him. Moments later, Theo climbed in the bag but he too started to get out when the camera was aimed his way...


  1. Well, that does look like a pretty neat bag.
    Maybe they came out because they thought you may have had treats ;)
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  2. doodz....bagz bee de best....spesh a lee thoz paper onez like yur in.....tell dad ta get
    ewe both one oh thoz lawn N leef bagz frum de hard warez stor.....talk a bout total lee kewl....they R like 57 milez long !! :) ♥♥

  3. Love the almost identical get away poses!

  4. Hey, I'm drawn to bags, too. Even for an older gal I like to stick my nose into Trader Joe's bags when mom leaves them on the floor. I also love the crinkle of plastic shopping bags when I sit on them and nuzzle them. Guess we just don't outgrow some things, huh?
