Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Improved Diet

I’ve begun feeding Diego-San store bought chicken. I pressure cook it unseasoned and he of course highly prefers it over any cat food he’s ever been fed. I think he’s actually put on some weight again and he seems to have more energy the past couple of days. I only wish I had tried this with Thompson a few years ago...


  1. How wonderful that Diego likes the chicken.
    Humans worry when we don't have a great appetite.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. doodz....de bad vizitor catz frum TT bee bak; N oh all de dayz ta bee
    reedin yur post.....KNOT BURD DOOD...say it iz knot sew ~~~ :)☺☺♥♥

  3. Oh, that sounds delicious! But my human says I don't need any extra weight.

  4. Special care for your special old boy !

  5. Mmmm...chicken sounds yummy. Glad Diego-San likes it.

  6. That is a good idea. We sure love our elders and help them any way we can
