Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tightening the Belt

We owed a lot of taxes this year and with some major bills coming due, I told Diego-San we might have to cut back on treats and other luxuries. He was not pleased. I guess I do the sacrificing around here...


  1. We agree! Cutting back is something humans do.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. doodz...sorree dad haza cut bak on all HIZ favez but hay....
    may bee next yeer him will catch a tax brake N him can N joy
    all hiz favez again ;) ♥♥☺☺

  3. Yep, cutting back is for humans, not for kitties.

  4. Dad said he owed and we said "Meow." We meant so what. Keep those treats coming

  5. When my pension check comes in on the first of the month, I stock up on cat food.
