Monday, February 25, 2019

Our Weekend

Weekend consisted of shoveling snow and snuggling with the boyz. The boyz were just fine with this. My back, not so much.


  1. Mum is getting tired of moving snow around too. She is really looking forward to Spring.
    We just want warmer temps so we can get on the porch!
    Maybe a kitty massage would help your back ;) MOL!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. doodz.....we hada wind heer... feerce as we haz seen in a
    looooooooong while.... at one point we looked out de window
    ...ta see if we could see... a ladee ona bike in de sky ~ !! ♥♥

  3. Ouch... maybe the boyz can give you a back massage.

  4. We’re sure those kitty cuddles helped your back feel better.
