Thursday, December 06, 2018

Theo's Wishes

Theo wishes you a happy holiday season but more importantly he wishes you had a fleece blanket like his.

P.S. He went back to the vet this past Saturday. They wanted to test his urine again. We got the tests back today and there were no abnormalities.


  1. That is a pawsome blanket Theo and we bet it is a great place to nap :)
    We are also thankful your test results are good !
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. I'm sending purrs to Theo for more good test results!

  3. Way to pee, Theo!

  4. We are so glad Theo's tests were ok. We wish him happy holidays, and know what a wonderful thing fleece blankets are ! Purrs.

  5. That’s great news about your urine, Theo! Enjoy that blanket.
