Thursday, November 01, 2018

My Pal

I love this guy. It's been a hard period of adjustment in our house with the loss of our heart and soul. Diego-san took it really hard, grieving and avoiding me in the weeks following. Now he's starting to be back to himself and even more so- wanting all my attention all the time. He's meant even more to me than ever during this time... One of the most unique souls I've had the pleasure to spend time with... Did I mention I love this guy?


  1. Diego-san is a mighty sweet kitty.
    It is often that cats and humans form special bonds,some more than others.
    The more the life experience you have together,the stronger the bond.
    Also ,some cats just make a stronger bond than others :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. I'm so glad Diego is coming out on the other side of his grieving. I am purring that you are too.

  3. dood.....we R glad you are coming does take time....thompson
    will be, and is happy too, for you dad and theo.....PROMISE ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  4. We’re glad Diego-San is doing better now and helping you with your grief as well.
