Friday, November 23, 2018

Good News

The ultrasound didn't reveal any tumors or blockages in Theo's bladder. That's the good news. (I was worried sick these past three days.) Now I have to figure out why he's not using the litter box all the time and how I get him to do so again. Thanks for all the purrs and positive thoughts...


  1. I'm glad there was nothing scary on the ultrasound - I hope you figure out what's going on with Theo soon!

  2. Glad you got good news. I hope he feels better soon.

  3. Theo hope you feel better soon.

  4. WooHoo!!! Glad to hear good news :)
    We send good vibes to help with the other issue.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  5. Whew! That is good news. There’s a litter called Cat Attract from Dr. Elsey. Not sure how it works, but it’s supposed to help with cats who aren’t using the box. Maybe it’s something you could try with Theo?

  6. I'm just today seeing the posts about Theo's problems. I'm so sorry to hear about it. The stress of Thompson's death on the whole household may have affected his health. I assume vet checked for a bladder infection? Kidney cancer is unfortunately common among aging cats, too. Have you noticed if he is drinking and peeing more than usual? That's a sign of failing kidneys. I'm sure vet checked for that, too. Have you changed litter lately? Unscented is best. If you have covered litterboxes you may want to try uncovered. Can you close off the room where the indiscretions were committed? You may want to try closing him in a room with a hard floor (bathroom) with a litterbox until he uses it -- essentially a retraining period. Is Theo declawed? There can be issues related to that, too. Do he and Diego argue about use of the litterboxes at all? Most often when problems like this develop where there were none before, it is due to changes in the household or it is a physical problem :-(
