Saturday, January 21, 2017

T Update

Thompson's thyroid level came back as high. Last time it was tested it was on the high end of normal. He's been taking a medication for his thyroid but the vet said the risk in treating the thyroid is it could hurt Thompson's kidneys. What is abnormal however is thyroid problems usually result in a bigger appetite and for the past couple of years it's been a struggle to get Thompson to eat.  So I'm not sure what we will do...


  1. It sounds like you and Thompson are in a tough place. I'm sending lots of healing purrs to him, and I hope you find a path to help him feel better!

  2. Our JJ has Thyroid too and takes a pill a day.
    Georgia takes 1/2 pill a day.
    JJ loves to eat,Georgia not as much.
    We now have her on a high protein food and she seems to like it.
    We send purrs that maybe you can get Thompson to eat more.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. I did not know treating hyperthyroid was a risk to kidneys, I have 3 cats on the meds and was never told that. I am praying for your sweet boy.

  4. We're sorry to hear that Thompson is having these issues. We know that you can treat kidney disease and hyperthyroidism at the same time, but it is tricky. We hope you can find something that will work for Thompson.
