Monday, May 23, 2016

He's Got a Water Tester

Thompson has developed an odd habit of trying to deny Diego-san any water. No matter where Diego-san goes to get a drink, whether it be the water bowls around the house, or the choice method of all three boyz- the bathroom faucet, Thompson immediately wants to drink out of the same source. Poor Diego-san actually lets him do it and usually goes finds water elsewhere.


  1. Thompson needs to learn to share :/
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. *** shake head *** Thompson ! Thompson ! Thompson !
    Warning = Grounding is coming for norty boy !!!

  3. Maybe, Dave, you should install three individual boyz-o water fountains. Thompson can drink out of only one at a time!

  4. I wonder why Thompson is such a meanie?

  5. Hmmm...Thompson must think the water Diego is drinking is extra special.
