Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Feline Ferdinand

Not to underestimate the little guy, but I've long felt that it's a good thing Theo doesn't have to try to survive as an outdoor kitty. He's far too trusting and I can see him wandering over to a wolf or a hawk just to say a friendly hello after spending an entire day in a field of flowers, savoring the lovely fragrances.

Yesterday proved my point.  I was reading a book on the couch and Theo and Diego-san were sitting looking out the living room picture window. I heard a faint buzzing noise but didn't pay much attention to it figuring a neighbor was out mowing his/her lawn. Theo started moving around, with some urgency and I saw Diego-san change position to get a better look at what caught his brother's attention. I got up to take a closer look and saw that Theo was trying to scoop a bumble bee with his paw presumably up to his nose or mouth to get a better smell or taste of his new friend. Given the amount of buzzing, the bee was a little more than  agitated. Luckily I acted in time and prevented Theo from experiencing a difficult learning lesson. I scooped the bee into a cup, brought it outside and let it go free...


  1. Sweet Theo. A friend to all.

  2. I tried to make friends with a bee once. I got stung. Good thing you got that bee away from Theo before he found out bees aren't very friendly. ~Wally

  3. That's what I do with buggies who find their way inside too. That must be the bee that came out to the 'burbs & stung me on the back of the neck. Nice big welt, burning & itching. Gee thanks.
