Sunday, April 14, 2013

New Cuisine

One of the new things being served at Target Field (where the Twins play) is goat burgers.  I've never had goat meat before so I thought I'd give the burger a try.  It was darn tasty but I couldn't stop bleating afterward.  I'm sure the boyz would have loved it had I brought home a sample for them...


  1. Happy to hear it didn't taste baaaaad!

  2. Hmmm, it sounds delicious, but I have too many goat friends to actually eat one I think.

  3. The mom say there's a Mexican restaurant here that serves goat fajitas. She's never had them, but the dad has and really liked it.

  4. They're serving up Billy!! Say it aaaaain't so!
    Did you manage to stay warm?
