Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Little Adventure

I've got a confession... Last week I took most of the week off from work. The only thing I had on my calendar was Thompson and Diego-san's annual visit to the vet. So Wednesday morning I got up early and tried to act non-chalant as not to stress either one out too much.  When the time came I got them loaded up in their carriers and into my car.  Both boyz (particularly Thompson) made it known they were not pleased with this turn of events.

I struggled getting the two carriers into the vet's office.  Diego-san's carrier actually broke and he could have run away but he was too scared to try (he was actually trembling inside the carrier).  When I walked up to the front desk the vet tech looked at me with a puzzled look.  Turns out the boyz's appointment was for Thursday and not Wednesday... D'oh!

So the three of us returned home. Theo was as wound up as Thompson and Diego-san probably thinking we had abandoned him.  I knew I couldn't put the carriers away because if I were to repeat the activity I would have a hard time fooling the two boyz again and one of them would probably find a hiding spot beyond my reach.

So Thursday I first tracked down Diego-san and thankfully Thompson was apprehensive but reachable. Thompson doubled his vocal displeasure this time, making some sounds I don't think I've ever heard in my life before.

The good news- this time we had an appointment and both boyz checked out fine.

And apparently I was forgiven for my bad mistake- both Thompson and Diego-san took naps on me when we got back home and I put a movie on to watch...


  1. Good thing they took the practice run in stride, well except for that part about cowering inside the carrier!

  2. You got lucky the second time around...we woulda never gone in the carriers easily the second day. We're glad the boyz checked out good.
