Tuesday, March 05, 2013

My Angels

After feeding the boyz lunch I walked out to the living room to this sight.  I have very very few pictures of all three boyz together and thought there was very little chance they'd stay in this location when I scrambled to get my camera.  But they did.  We've been watching a lot of old 'Charlies Angels' episodes.  It's the perfect show to watch when I'm practicing my guitar since I don't need to listen to the dialogue to figure out what's going on.    Maybe this was the boyz imitation of the Angels...


  1. Cool !
    I would say " Three Meowsketeers " for your boys : )

  2. Love it!!!
    And love the Charlie's Angels reference.
    ; ) Katie

  3. I was just going to say I haven't seen all three of them in one pic the whole time I have been visiting.

    I like Mr Puddy's "Three Meowsketeers". :))
