Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hey Waiter... There's Hair in My...

Diego-san gave me a little worry yesterday.  On the morning run down to breakfast he started making the hacking up a hairball sound.  He never horked up a hairball and eventually did come down for his breakfast.  But he didn't eat it.  I think that's the first meal he's ever skipped.  I had an evening meeting so I didn't get home until after 9 p.m.  By that time he seemed back to himself and he snarfed down all the food I gave him...


  1. I did that once in the blue moon ! and it's scared my mom. But my dad always wait and see.
    but in general, I back to myself like Diego-san : )

    He might eat food too quick or eat something no good.
    but I paws crossed for him , just in case

  2. Aw, that can be scary, I know. Leo does that hairball hack with no hairball every once in a while. Makes you wonder huh?
    Hope it doesn't happen again!

  3. Check your shoes.......

  4. We hope he doesn't do that again.
