Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Things That Bring Brothers Together

Observing more snow falling... I've noticed over the past month or so Theo and Diego-san are spending more time together.  Diego-san has become more tolerant of being in the same room as his brother.  Theo has become less insistent on swatting at, licking, or otherwise harassing his brother at all times... I doubt they'll ever be best of buds but peaceful co-existence seems like a good step forward.


  1. I would say " Cuddle Weather " : )
    Sweet Season isn't it ?
    and mom say " Dessert will be purrfect in this season ..a kind of rich cream : )

  2. Whoo hoo! Peaceful ANYthing is better than the alternative! We're hoping for the same here too, paws crossed!

  3. Gosh, and its only taken how many years?? At least seven...

  4. Nothing wrong with some peaceful co-existing!

  5. Looking for a bit of that around here although since Patch moved in Shaggy & Scout have been catching my eye by seeing them napping together a lot more often.

  6. If we had thumbs we'd definitely raise them for "peaceful coexistence". Yay!
