Friday, December 28, 2012

Shirking Duties

Our garage got broken into and my snowblower was stolen.  I lectured the boyz for not alerting me that somebody was breaking into the garage.  I'm sure if we had a dog there would have been some yapping. The boyz seemed to take the criticism in stride...


  1. Only in Minnesota is there a thriving snowblower black market.

  2. Love Katnip Lounges comment above.
    Sorry to hear about the break in & theft. My son's home in Crystal was broken into before he moved last June. He got most of his stuff back since they were caught in the act & the stuff was still in the back yard by the alley. Both thieves ran off, he only lost about $100 cash. His house was torn apart & he said he really felt violated by it.

  3. Catching up on your blog. Just read and commented on your holiday letter post.
    Pee Ess: Love the card with the kitties!

  4. Yikes, that's not fun.
    But really, kitties are uninterested in things like snowblowers. If they were dogs, they'd have a vested interest as the snowblower would clear a path to where they needed to do their frozen business.. but the kitties would probably only alert you if someone tried to steal their box. Or snacks... They are kitties after all! the world revolves around them!

  5. Yeah, Santa give. Thief only take.Here is the season too !
    My mom's friend. He woke up to see his new car sit on the road with no wheels !!!
    And seriously , he has 3 dogs 1 kitty !

  6. It's not just Minnesota...there's been lots of garage break-ins in Michigan too.
