Thursday, December 20, 2012

How To Get Your Cat to Leave Your Xmas Tree Alone

I had to chuckle at this because it reminded me of the first time I met Theo.  I went over to meet him at his foster home having read his background story.  When I arrived his foster mom went to get him and she came back carrying him. There was a Christmas ornament hanging from a beam between the dining room and living room.  His foster mom tried to introduce me to Theo but he was more interested in batting the ornament even though it had to be five feet above him.  This didn't deter him.  His sole focus was the ornament and his paws continuing to missing it by a wide margin didn't seem to frustrate him at all.

I was impressed by his determination at the same time amused by his lack of spacial perspective.  It was then I decided to adopt Theo.  Those two traits still are a major part of his personality and I haven't regretted the decision once...


  1. Would be kind of a hassel decorating the tree, but otherwise that might look pretty good.

  2. Haha! We're glad our tree isn't hanging from the ceiling!

  3. Sounds like Theo needs an itty bitty pair of cat glasses.

  4. MOL, that might work, until he starts jumping!
