Thursday, November 29, 2012


The fine folks at Celestial Kitties awarded the boyz this award. Of course with three boyz and seven items, there was disagreement about how to respond to the award.  As the impartial arbitrator of this blog I will respond on behalf of the boyz:

1) Thompson is the loner of the house.  Diego-san has to be in the same room as me 80 percent of the time. Theo has to be in the same room as me 90 percent of the time and if he's not in the same room with me he has to be in the same room as Thompson or Diego-san the other 10 percent of the time.  It's not unusual for Thompson to sleep in the living room by himself at night or not join the rest of us when we are downstairs watching TV.  I can't possibly be classified as a loner since I'm living with three cats... oh wait I guess that might be looked upon that way...

2) Diego-san is the most observant of the three boyz.  If I move something, anything in a room, the first thing he'll do when he enters that room is to check out the new location of the item.  It's uncanny how he immediately spots anything different in a room.

3) Theo has a natural pacifier- the tip of his tail.  I'll often sit Theo in my lap, tummy side up and bring the tip of his tail up to his nose.  He'll almost always start peacefully licking his tail like a lollipop and will mindlessly continue to do so until I take it away.

4) Thompson is the only one micro-chipped (not counting myself).  I think this seems a little ironic since he's likely the one who least needs it.  If he somehow got out of the house and brought to a location that could read the chip, it's likely I'd already be calling on the lookout for a missing three-legged cat.

5) Diego-san demonstrated the most strategic fighting move ever seen in the house.  He was in a stare-down with Thompson once and he swiftly swatted Thompson's lone front leg out from under him causing Thompson to tumble into a position of vulnerability ready for the oncoming pouncing.  I thought it was quite mean of Diego to do that, but I had to give him points for coming up with the manuever...

6) One thing Theo has learned from his brothers is how to speak his mind.  When he first joined the household he barely said a peep, and if he did speak, it was always in a little tiny peep.  More and more he has started to match Thompson in the frequency of his speaking, and Diego-san in the volume. 

7) Diego-san has the deepest purr; Thompson the cutest snore; Theo is the best headbutter.

We'd love any of the kitties reading this to share seven things about them on their own blogs if they haven't already done so...


  1. Congratulations on your award. I loved reading all the information about the boyz. Thank you so much for your kind words about Herman.

  2. These are great! The leg swatting manuever is great...he'd be a general in another life. Isn't it wonderful how every cat is his own unique being?
    I'd like to do the 7 things but above all else i am lazy...but one never knows when inspiration will strike.

  3. Congrats on your award! And we enjoyed learning more about the boys.
