Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Not Amused

Diego-san had another visit to the vet to check on his anal glands (oh the  indignity).  He was quite vocal about being surprisingly stuffed in his carrier and loaded in the car.  He let me know his displeasure the entire short drive to the vet.  After he was done he was the exact opposite- not a peep on the drive home.  I couldn't resist saying, "What's the matter?  The cat got your tongue?"  I don't think he was in a laughing mood to enjoy my joke but I had to chuckle.


  1. Now I am worrying about my own anal glands...

    (ps: my Mommeh can't stop laughing about the "Rabies" comment)

  2. It's not nice to kid with a cat that just had his anal glands messed with. ;)

  3. Ah giving you the olde silent treatment. It speaks volumes.
