Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Peony Time

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not much of a gardener.  I hate weeding, and if put under oath I'm not sure I could tell you what is a plant and what is a weed.  That's one of the reasons I enjoy it when my peonies bloom every year.  They only flower for a short time but I adore the color and I adore the fact that not even my rudimentary gardening skills have managed to kill off the annuals.

Yesterday I was out doing some yard work- primarily cutting some low branches off the ash tree in the front yard.  Thompson was peering out the open window the entire time and I couldn't help but wave at him periodically.  Each time I did I heard a little meow. He wasn't sure what I was up to but he wanted to make sure that I knew he had his eye on my activities.


  1. He was just snoopervising, and doing a good job of it!

    Did you see Dylan & the President!!

  2. Yeah, Thompson was snoopervising you...and giving you orders!

    Your peonies are pretty!

  3. My cats love to watch me work in the yard.

    My peonies came from my grandparents' farm to my mother to me -- very special!!
