Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Politically Astute

Usually when someone knocks on our door, or the doorbell rings, Thompson will flee upstairs into hiding. Yesterday the door bell rang and Thompson stayed napping on the couch in the living room. It was our city council person door knocking to get votes in the November city election. I had a nice discussion with him but was surprised to turn and find Thompson hadn't moved. I guess he was checking to make sure I asked the right questions in order to cast an informed vote.


  1. Thompson is such a smart kitty. Rest assured he will look after you in your old age. :)

  2. Thomson, Yep ! Smart Kitty stay tune make sure human do the right thing, and then make sure he give you some treats : )
    Have a good one !

  3. He's clearly a very discerning cat ~ and wants to hear the speel before voting.

  4. Good job, Thompson! Making an informed voting decision is very important.

  5. You are so helpful Thompson!

  6. Thompson wanted to check this guy out himself!
