Thursday, September 08, 2011

Thumpa Thumpa Thumpa Part 2

I was on my lil scooter zipping away on my way to work yesterday morning. I was on a stretch of road with wooded areas on both sides and was probably going between 40-50 mph. I usually am somewhat cautious on this road because there are driveways that lead out to the road and I'm always leery of someone in a car not seeing me and pulling out in front of me. This has never happened on this particular road, but I'm always pretty cautious in areas where drivers might not have a clear view of me.

Sure enough a car pulled out of one of the driveways somewhat near to me so I slowed down. It was a good thing I did because right after that happened a deer bolted across the road. I was still probably going between 20-30 mph but because I had already started hitting my brakes I was able to slow down quicker than I otherwise would have. I was so close to the deer that I could have reached out and touched him, or he could have kick boxed me into the next county.

Let's just say I prefer my morning coffee as a way to wake up rather than a near collision with a deer and corresponding increase in the old heart rate...


  1. Yikes!
    We live close to a university and I have to be careful as I back out of the driveway because of bikes and motorbikes which are popular with students.

  2. Yikes! What a way to start the day!

  3. Hmmmm...."Yikes" seems to be a popular adjective today.

  4. OMC! How awful! Thank goodness you were going slowly. Purrs.
