Friday, August 05, 2011

Peabody Ducks

While in Memphis we made sure to go and see the march of the ducks at the Peabody Hotel. During the anticipation for the march to begin I kept thinking I could probably teach the boyz to march down a red carpet and jump into a big sandbox. I'm not sure they'd be too keen on doing it every day in front of hundreds of people though.


  1. You could play Dylan on your guitar while the boyz strut their stuff on the red carpet.

  2. Ooooh, our dad saw those ducks one time when he was there for a business meeting!

  3. We're not convince you could teach the boys to do that. ;)

  4. Good luck with teaching the Boyz!! Just to let you in on a secret - we kitties can certainly do whatever ducks can do, but we are too smart to be coerced into doing it for the amusement of the bipeds.
