Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Christmas in June

I was putting away a brand new bag of the boyz's food. I hit the bag on the corner of the closet I store the food in and the bag tore with food flying everywhere. Theo was there in a matter of seconds followed soon by Diego-san. This unexpected treat was quickly getting gorged down. Thompson didn't appear until I was nearly finished cleaning up but I felt bad he hadn't gotten to enjoy the catostrophe so I fed him an extra meal while trying to fend off the other two...


  1. HAHA! That happened to us too. Mom keeps our food in an airtight container with a spout that opens for pouring. The lid with the spout wasn't on tight and........a waterfall of food! We were on it at once!

  2. Rats! We missed it.

    (Believe it or not, there is a huge market for cassette tapes! Hubby sells 'em on eBay, he's the largest seller with over 10,000 titles listed. ~trish)

  3. Haha! It was raining foods!! Sorry we missed it!!
