Monday, May 16, 2011

Tale of Woe

On my way home from another depressing Twins' baseball loss, I decided I'd stop and pick up some dinner. There's a Vietnamese pho restaurant on my route home from the ball park and pho sounded good so that's where I decided to stop. Unfortunately when I pulled into the parking lot I saw a sign that says the restaurant is closed on Sundays.

So I headed home and was greeted rather indifferently by the boyz. That's when I said, "So guys you want to hear my tale of woe? There was no pho to go." I chuckled and Thompson looked at me with his, "this is what I have to put up with in this house" look.


  1. Srysly, that was funny. My human snorted a little Diet Coke out of her nose.
    Me...I'm with Thompson.

  2. Cats scorn most "poetry". Inspire yes, enjoy no.

  3. You're lucky all he gave you was a look.

  4. *eye roll*
    Sheesh what you Boyz have to put up with!
