Thursday, February 18, 2010


Diego-san had to have his bum glands expressed. He dealt with the ordeal like a trooper. He was purring when I took him out of his carrier and the vet tech examined him. He was purring when the vet took him in back. I could hear him voice his displeasure at the actual procedure but when they brought him back, he was purring. He of course then showed us all by doing number two right on the examination table.


  1. Oh, Diego-san, I'm glad to hear it was only that. *Whispers* I had that done when I was very young too. I know it's not pleasant at all.
    Purrs, Siena

  2. That must have been such a relief! I'm glad Diego is feeling much better now.

  3. You were braver than I was - I'm very glad you are OK now!

  4. Very brave Diego-san. Sounds like an "uncomfortable" procedure. We hope you feel better now.

  5. Good brave boy Diego!
    And extra points for pooping at will.

  6. Oh Deigo-san...that doesn't sound like fun at all! But we're glad it's over now (and we bet you are too!) and you are okay!
