Monday, February 15, 2010


Thompson was REALLY vocal yesterday when I got home. He acted like he hadn't been fed for days. I suspect what might have happened is since the boyz's sitter only stopped by once a day, the boyz couldn't be fed three times a day like they are used to. Thompson, my ever obedient boy, listened to my parting words of wisdom advising to save some food for throughout the day. The problem with being the only one of three to listen is that the other two boyz probably waited for Thompson to walk away and then helped themselves to his portion.


  1. Having your food rationed is just not fair! We hope you got extra treats when your human came home :-)

  2. Ah, poor Thompson! During the week my Mommeh does not get home until 8:30 pm now, and we are very extra hungry waiting so long for our supper!

  3. Poor Thompson.
    Just like Scooby. He is a slow and delicate eater and is easily intimidated by the other two, who gobble theirs then come over and ask "You done with that yet?"
