Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Backup Alarm

So I was lying half awake in bed this morning when I felt Diego-san get up from lying to the right of my head and move to the leftside. He proceeded to take his big right paw and whap me in the mouth. I think this was mostly inadvertent on his part- usually what he does is whap his paw against the top of my covers and this indicates he wants me to lift the covers so he can crawl underneath.

I scolded him and tried to go back to bed. That's when it dawned on me that it was lighter than it should have been. I bolted up and looked at my alarm clock. Sure enough, it was an hour past the time I have to get up to get to work. Having Monday off as a holiday, I had forgot to set my alarm clock.

Obviously Diego-san assessed this situation and did what he had to do to get me up and out of bed. (And to feed him his overdue breakfast.)


  1. So he saved the day - and his breakfast too ;-)

  2. Diego-san is one smart kitty! Never ignore a cat - motto of the day.

  3. Diego-san is a good little alarm clock!! And you don't hafta set him!

  4. Good thing he's looking out for you!!

  5. Diego-san, you got treats for that didn't you?
