Tuesday, September 29, 2009

He's My Boy

Sometimes I get embarrassed by the poor quality photos I post on the blog compared to the near professional quality photos that get posted on some of the favorite blogs that I read.

My only excuse it that most of the photos are taken on my iPhone and the camera on the device produces average quality photos at best. The pictures I take on my digital camera are much better but since I usually have my iPhone nearby and the goal is to capture the boyz at their spontaneous best, that is the camera that gets used most.

That said, in some photos the subject is able to overcome the technological limitations just by being so darn cute. This is one of them. I love this picture of Thompson.


  1. This is a cat blog and read by cat lovers. We are just happy to see and read about your cute kitties.

  2. I would never have guessed you use your your phone camera! Lots of times we will select a more interesting photo to use over a better-composed photo.

  3. I think it is impossible to take a bad picture of Thompson - you are right he is just darn cute!

    I've missed all my blogging friends - my MUM has been very

  4. We didn't realise it's a mobile camera either. And you're right abaout this pic: Darn cute!
