Thursday, April 30, 2009

T and D's Adventure

Thompson and Diego-san had their annual visit to the vet. Both came through with flying colors. Diego has lost two pounds in the past year and is down to 13 pounds (lean despite all the floof), and Thompson lost half a pound down to 12 pounds.

It was interesting to see how each dealt with the stress of the vet visit. Thompson was extra talkative even yapping at a bulldog who had defecated in the waiting area. He let me know in no uncertain terms that he did not appreciate any of the adventure. On the other hand, Diego-san was extra friendly, purring the entire time and constantly trying to rub up against me. He seems to get even more amorous when he's nervous so it's a good thing he doesn't hang around bars.

The most stressed out boy however may have been Theo who when we returned looked at the three of us and wondered why he was left all alone.


  1. I am a total flirt at the VET too!

  2. I'm glad all went well at the vet's! I usually curl up in a little ball and try to become invisible. And my paws get all sweaty!

  3. So good all was well! We're usually very quit at the vet.
