Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Wrestler

I went to see The Wrestler. I quite enjoyed it and both Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei were terrific. The story of the movie was pretty much the story of my life. The only difference was that Randy the Ram (Rourke's character) didn't live with any cats and I live with three. Other than that our lives are exactly the same.


  1. Sounds like a good movie. I have given you an award.

  2. My Mommie has been wanting to see that movie, but she always waits until it's out on DVD. So I have to wait. Rats!

  3. parker- i may be exaggerating a bit since i'm not a professional wrestler and i don't have any strippers in my life that i know of, and i don't have an angry daughter, but other than those things yes the movie is my life: a washed up has been trying to muddle through...
