Thursday, February 05, 2009

Bored Now

There's the old analogy that nothing is more boring than watching paint dry. I tested that analogy today.

The small chip in my windshield has quickly become a full fledged windshield wide crack. So I brought my car into the auto glass repair shop today and they warned me it would take three hours to replace the windshield. I thought to myself that they were just doing the customer service thing of not over promising so when they finished quicker than they told me it would take, they would look good and I'd go home happy. How long could it really take to replace a windshield?

It didn't occur to me the replacement work wasn't what took a long time. The issue was allowing drying time for the glue they use to help keep the glass in place. So I spent a good part of my afternoon not watching paint dry, but waiting for glue to dry. At least the shop did get me out sooner than expected. It took about two and a half hours before they sent me on my merry way. It did make me wonder how the boyz are so good at avoiding boredom even if their day consists of waiting for me to get home to feed them their next meal.


  1. When naps are involved, there is no boredom...

  2. Parker is right, napping is fun!

  3. Oh no, watching glue dry must be the worst. But, its a good thing your windshield is now fixed.
