Saturday, January 03, 2009

From Grinch to the Anti-Grinch

I realize it wasn't the nicest thing to leave the boyz alone for Christmas. I think I made up for it though by buying a new brush called the "furminator."

The instructions say to brush the cat or dog in a place that can be vacuumed. I can attest to the wisdom of those directions. I furminated Diego-san and ended up with a baseball sized clump of fur. There also was a pile of hair all over the carpet. Diego loves the furminator- every time I get close to where I keep it he comes over meowing. He purrs throughout the combing process. Thompson too seems to like the furmination process. Even Theo- who I can't keep still long enough to comb- sits pretty patiently when he is being furminated. I think the boyz like their Christmas gift...


  1. I have heard that thing is great! My furs are very sparse, so if I used it, I could end up bald!

  2. I like my furminator too.

  3. We LOVE the furminator!
