Saturday, January 31, 2009


Sometimes I wonder how much Thompson thinks about his disability. He keeps up with the other boyz pretty well but when they are tearing around the house all he can do is watch.

Recently he has been doing a lot of kneading while standing on my chest. This isn't easy for him since it essentially requires him to do a little hop with his one front paw when his other missing paw would normally be pushing down on me. This makes me happy and sad at the same time. I truly admire Thompson. He has a wonderful soul and in a way he is the glue that keeps this household together.


  1. Thompson is such a sweetheart.

  2. I'll bet Thompson doesn't even realize he is any different at all!

  3. I agree with Daisy, Thompson is happy just the way he is!

  4. Kitties cope wonderfully well. Just enjoy Thompson the way he is.

  5. Thompson is such a great cat! I am sure he realizes being different but knows how to cope with it :)
