Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bein' a Bum

The cat's out of the bag... Theo was right with revealing a little secret yesterday... I get to spend five whole days home with the boyz, hopefully catching up on some sleep and getting plenty o' rest...


  1. That's the great thing about eating a big Thanksgiving day feast: it leads to some serious napping!

  2. Wow Theo, you are a smart kitty! I think you have some of that stuff called EPS that me and my mommy have sometimes! hehe. Have a good 5 days of snuggles and scritchins!

  3. Enjoy the rest and cuddles with the Boyz!! SS is working double shifts and I don't see her until late :(

  4. Those are great news! 5 days of resting and napping and playing - wonderful! :-)
