Tuesday, October 21, 2008

TVLand Revisited

A couple days ago I showed you a picture of Diego-san playing a lonesome game of Hollywood Squares. Today Theo and Diego are showing you their imitation of the Brady Bunch theme.

The boyz had to explore the new/old bookcase I moved from my dad's house to mine over the weekend. It's the bookcase I had growing up, and now with my own house remodel and the move of a couch from the living room to the lower wing, there was a huge open space in the living room. Of course I'm not so much into book learnin these days so the bookshelf is going to hold some DVDs and CDs for now (that is when it isn't full of kitties).


  1. Who is that? Peter and Greg???

  2. All cats have a natural talent to hide in things.

  3. I like the Brady Bunch song because it says "the youngest one in curls..."

  4. Bookcases make the bestest places to sit! I hope David doesn't clutter up your new lounge with books.

  5. Omigosh! My mommy is freaking out. She saw the Buffy dvd's!! She loves Buffy and Angel! That is how her and daddy got together. He didnt have cable, but had a season of Buffy borrowed from a friend. They hadn't said much to each other on the blind date, but once he turned on Buffy, she says they didn't shut up! lol. And the other two friends who were there kept looking at them like they were crazy.
