Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sleep Deprived

I've been working a lot of hours the past month or so. Sleep has sorta become a luxury- especially with one boy who decides he wants to play fetch at three in the morning so he goes tearing around and mewing to have a ball thrown his way, and another boy who just has to get underneath the covers with me at various times during the night so he paws at my face until I lift the covers up.

I'll be the first to admit I've been a bit of a zombie (appropriate given the time of year) the past few days. Today I found myself a bit edgy when I walked around corners afraid of bumping into people. Now I know how Theo feels- his normal state of being is in a word, 'jumpy.' He seldom seems relaxed and always seems worried about what lurks around the corner...


  1. My sister Powder is just like that - me, I tend to be pretty mellow...

  2. Oh my, waking you up at 3 in the morning? That;s awful... I would kick them out of my room and close the door!

  3. I hope you get some much needed rest soon. And it's good to get some one on one time with the boys individually.

  4. I like to wake my Mum up at various time of the night too. At least twice in the night I NEED to get under the covers and lately I have been howling in the bathtub at least once during the middle of the night. My Mum is desperate to find out why - silly her - it's because Halloween is coming up - duh!
