Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Dare Update

We finally have been able to use the wheat based litter I bought for the boyz. It seems to clump even better than the clay based litter we used before. I don't think, however, that it absorbs the smell as well. Either that or the boyz's output has been extra stinky the past few days. It could also be that I notice the smell from the litter boxes more because they are usually located in the basement but are now upstairs until the basement remodel is all done...


  1. I think it would be interesting to go potty on wheat.

  2. I am also searching for the perfect litter here in Germany - they don't sell the one we used to buy in Egypt. I have also seen that wheat litter but wasn't sure about the smell either...

  3. I hadn't noticed the smell being any different. I could be that the boys aren't cover as well as they should though with the new stuff and it might take some time for them to get used to it.

    Great News guys! Diamond has given you a Brilliant Weblog award! Please stop by her blog to pick it up. Meanwhile, she has selected me to award her some Temptations, so I guess I should go and to that now.
