Friday, September 19, 2008

The Boyz's Friends

Kellie the orange cat, our original reader, gave us this nice award:

Thank you Kellie.

The rules for accepting the award are as follows: Give this award to five friends (and only 5) who are dedicated followers of your blog - one has to be a new blogger in a different part of the world. Link back to whoever gave you this award.

We will award this award to:

1) Lil Gizmo
2) Parker
3) Momo
4) Chica and Pumuckl
5) Karen Jo at Kitty Limericks.

Congrats y'all.


  1. This is me smiling ---> :)
    I am honored. Thanks!!!

  2. Thankyou ++++++ guys! So cool that I have a gold friendship card.

  3. Aww, thank you so much guys! I enjoy being your friend!!! =^..^=

  4. Congrats on this award and thanks so much for passing it on us! :-)

  5. Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for passing it along to me.
